Orphan Relative Subclass 837 Visa

This visa lets a child who is single to stay in Australia to live with a relative if their parents are dead, are unable to care for them or can's be found. You need to be inside Australia at the time of the application.

Orphan Relative Subclass 837 Visa

Orphan Relative (Class BT) Subclass 837 Visa

This visa lets a child who is single come to Australia to live with a relative if their parents are dead, are unable to care for them or can't be found. You need to be inside Australia at the time of the application.

Visa Holders Work Rights in Australia

The visa holders have full work rights to work anywhere in Australia.

Visa Holders Study Rights in Australia on 837

The visa holders have full rights to engage in study in Australia.

Including Family Members to Orphan Relative Visa 837

If you have a partner and children then they you wont be eligible for this visa application.

Travel to and from Australia for 5 years

The child can travel to and from Australia as many times as they want for 5 years from the date this visa is granted. This is as long as the travel facility on this visa remains valid. If the child wants to travel after the initial 5-year travel facility then they will need to apply for and be granted a Subclass 155 or Subclass 157 Resident Return Visa(RRV) so they can re-enter Australia as a permanent resident. They cal also apply for Australian citizenship and get an Australian passport, which then they can use to leave and re-enter Australia.

Subclass 837 Visa Application Fees

Base Application Charge: A$1,920; Additional applicant charge for any other applicant who is at least 18: A$960; Additional applicant charge for any other applicant who is less than 18: A$485.

Estimated Processing Time for Visa 837

Standard Stream: 75% of applications in Processing times are not available.; 90% of applications in Processing times are not available.

Orphan Relative Subclass 837 Visa Eligibility

Orphan Relative Visa 837

The orphan relative of another person who is their Australian relative if the applicant has not turned 18; and does not have a spouse or de facto partner; and is a relative of that other person; and the applicant cannot be cared for by either parent because each of them is either dead, permanently incapacitated or of unknown whereabouts; and there is no compelling reason to believe that the grant of a visa would not be in the best interests of the applicant.

Must have a Sponsor for 837 Visa

The child must be sponsored by an eligible sibling or step-sibling, grandparent or step-grandparent, aunt, uncle, step-aunt or step-uncle. The sponsorship must be approved before a visa can be granted, which might not be approved if the sponsoring parent or their partner has been charged or convicted of offences involving children.

Visa 837 Sponsor Must be Lawfully Settled

The sponsor must have been lawfully resident in Australia for two years as at time of visa application discounting short trips outside Australia for up to four months. This is generally considered to be a ‘reasonable period’. A sponsor could come within this category even if they are outside Australia at the time the visa application is made. Lawfully resident’ includes periods of lawful temporary residence.

Be of the Age

The child must be under 18 years old when they apply for the visa.

Have no parent who can care for them

The child will not be granted this visa unless the child has no parent who can care for them. This might be because both their parents either are deceased, are permanently incapable of caring for the child or can't be found. The child will not be granted this visa if the child's parents are capable of caring for them but don't want to.

Have consent to Migrate to Australia

We will only grant this visa to a child younger than 18 years if either the child has the written consent of everyone who can legally decide where they live, the laws of the child’s home country allow them to leave their home country, or it is consistent with any Australian child order about the child.

Orphan Relative Subclass 837 Visa Document Checklist

For Primary Applicant

1. Identity documents such as passport, birth certificate, proof of name change such as marriage or divorce certificate.
2. If you have ever changed your name then name change evidence.
3. Provide an overseas police certificate from every country, including your home country, where you spent a total of 12 months or more in the last 10 years since you turned 16, any military service records or discharge papers if you served in the armed forces of any country.
4. Passport size photographs.
5. Medical examinations.

For Sponsoring Parent

6. Passport and Birth Certificate of Yourself.
7. Your Employment History in last 2 years and evidence of Payslip (Only Current one).
8. Your residential history in last 2 years.
9. Your current relationship status, any children you have or are responsible for.
10. Have you in last 2 years or currently receiving any benefit from the government? (pension, allowance, Newstart Allowance, Parenting Payment, Youth Allowance, Widow Allowance or Special Benefit)
11. Have you been convicted of any crime?
12. Have you lived in any country for a cumulative period of 12 months in last 10 years.
13. Passport of your current partner (if any).
14. If you dont have the sole custody of the child then provide consent from anyone who has a legal right to decide where the child lives and is not coming to Australia with the child.
15. They must complete either Form 1229 Consent form to grant an Australian visa to a child under the age of 18 years, or a statutory declaration giving their consent for the child to visit Australia on this visa.

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Email: visas@atlantisvisas.com.au
