This visa allows you to take part in workplace-based occupational training activities to improve your skills for your job, area of tertiary study, field of expertise or in a professional development training program in Australia.
The visa holders can work full time in Australia.
If you have spouse/partner and kids, they can also be included in your visa Australia 407 application, or they can apply as Subsequent entrant if you have already been granted this visa.
There are no extensions available for this 407 visa Australia. If you want to continue to stay in Australia, you will need to lodge another visa.
You must be sponsored by an employer and your sponsor must be approved as a temporary activities sponsor, who will directly provide the occupational training, unless they are an Australian Commonwealth Government agency or have an exemption.
Working Visa 407 Base Application Charge: A$415; Additional applicant charge for any other applicant who is at least 18: A$415; Additional applicant charge for any other applicant who is less than 18: A$105. All applicants for training visa must pay 407 visa application fees at the time of lodgement.
Subclass 407 visa processing time for 75% of applications in 7 Months; 90% of applications in 13 Months.
The training plan for 407 visa is a formal, working document that outlines the training and assessment that will be carried out during an apprentice or trainee's training period, by the employer and/or the training organisation.
Workplace-based training is required to get occupational registration, membership or licensing that is mandatory to work in that occupation in Australia or your home country.
This is a workplace based structured training program that is specifically tailored and timed to the training needs of the nominated person in relation to an occupation, and involves a nominee who has recent and suitable prior experience. This can include employment experience or study experience that is the equivalent of at least 12 months full-time experience in the occupation, and has occurred in the 24 months immediately before the nomination is lodged.
Overseas Qualification: Structured workplace-based training in Australia for up to 6 months for students who are currently enrolled in a foreign educational institution and must complete a period of practical training, research or observation to get their qualification.
Government Support: Structured workplace-based occupational training which has the support of a government agency in Australia or the government in the home country of the nominated trainee, at the national or state/territory level.
Professional Development: Professional development program of face-to-face teaching in a classroom or similar environment in Australia. It is for overseas employers to send their managerial or professional employees.
The occupation being nominated for 407 visa must me on the relevant list of 407 visa eligible occupation list.
You must have a sponsor who is an approved 'temporary activities sponsor', and nominates you to participate in a program of occupational training, unless your sponsor is a Australian Commonwealth Government agency. There are 3 types of occupational training covered by this visa: Occupational training required for registration, Occupational training to improve skills in an eligible occupation, Occupational training for capacity building overseas.
If you are applying in Australia, you must currently hold a valid temporary substantive visa that is not a Subclass 403 (Temporary Work (International Relations) visa in the Domestic Worker (Diplomatic or Consular stream) or a Subclass 771 (Transit) visa or a Special Purpose visa.
The applicant must have the relevant qualifications or licenses or registrations required for the occupation being nominated for training.
The applicant must have minimum functional english (IELTS General 4.5 overall or PTE Academic 32). Detailed evidence is provided in 407 visa checklist.
You intention must be to stay temporarily in Australia and do the training that you are allowed to do on this visa. You must have substantially complied with the conditions of your last substantive visa or subsequent bridging visa that you held.
You must meet Australia's health, character, Australian values requirement and owe no debt to Australian Government.
There are no automatic pathways from 407 visa to permanent residency. However you may be eligible to apply for another visa is Skilled category.
You need to be an approved temporary activities sponsor to sponsor someone for some activities or streams of visa subclasses 403, 408 or 407.
To be an approved temporary activities sponsor you must be either:
- An Australian organisation lawfully established and operating in Australia such as a company, body corporate, partnership, non-profit organisation or an unincorporated body (other than an individual, sole proprietor or sole trader) or;
- An Australian Commonwealth, state or territory government agency or;
- A foreign government agency lawfully operating in Australia, such as a consular or diplomatic mission, foreign tourist or media bureau, trade office or other foreign national government entity or;
- An international organisation recognised by Australia and lawfully operating in Australia, such as the United Nations or
- An organisation that operates a superyacht, or the owner or captain of a superyacht or
- A sporting organisation lawfully operating in Australia or
- A religious institution lawfully operating in Australia. You may need to be a particular kind of organisation to sponsor an applicant for some visa streams. Your organisation must be lawfully established and actively engaged in business activities in Australia.
Note - organisations operating under different ABNs are required to hold separate temporary activities sponsorships.
You must have a good business record. There must not be any adverse information about you or anyone associated with you that affects your suitability as a sponsor.
You must obey Australian laws. Your organisation must not do anything that is illegal in Australia.
You must show us you are able to meet your sponsorship obligations. You might have additional obligations as a sponsor for a particular visa stream or activity type.
These are some of the relevant policies relevant to subclass 407 training visa application.
These are some of the news relevant to subclass 407 training visa.