This temporary medical treatment visa is for people to travel to or remain longer in Australia for medical treatment or to support someone needing medical treatment who holds or has applied for this visa. It is also for people who are donating an organ.
This 602 medical visa holders have no work rights in Australia.
If you have spouse/partner and kids, A separate application must be made for each member of your family, unless they are included in your passport. If other family members are applying for this visa, your applications can be processed together.
Base Application Charge: A$370; Additional applicant charge for any other applicant who is at least 18: A$185; Additional applicant charge for any other applicant who is less than 18: A$95.
Standard Application: 75% of applications in 49 days
You must not have a medical condition that could be a threat to the public health in Australia.
- Intend to have medical treatment or consultations in Australia.
- Intend to donate an organ to someone in Australia.
- Intend to support a patient or organ donor who holds or is applying for this visa.
- Intend to receive an organ from someone who travels to Australia with you.
- Intend to come to Australia under the arrangements between the Western Province of Papua New Guinea and the Queensland Department of Health.
- Be in Australia, aged 50 years or older, been refused an Australian permanent visa on health grounds only and are unfit to depart Australia.
If you are in Australia, you must not hold, or the last substantive visa you held must not have been, a Temporary Work (International Relations) Subclass 403 Visa that was granted in the Domestic Worker (Diplomatic or Consular) Stream.
You must only intend to stay temporarily in Australia and do the things you are allowed to do on this visa. However an intention to stay here temporarily does not apply if you are in Australia, are aged 50 years or older, have been refused a permanent visa due to not meeting the health requirement and are unfit to depart Australia.
You must meet Australia's health, character, Australian values requirement and owe no debt to Australian Government.
1. Identity documents such as passport, birth certificate, proof of name change such as marriage or divorce certificate.
2. If you are or have been married, widowed, divorced or permanently separated, provide proof such as marriage certificates, divorce documents, death certificates, separation documents or statutory declarations.
3. Provide an overseas police certificate from every country, including your home country, where you spent a total of 12 months or more in the last 10 years since you turned 16, any military service records or discharge papers if you served in the armed forces of any country.
4. Passport size photographs.
5. All applicants must provide adequate Health Cover.
6. Medical examinations.
7. For an applicant is under 18, copies of birth certificates or the family book showing the names of both parents; or adoption papers (if applicable).
8. Provide as much proof as you can to show you are visiting Australia as a temporary visitor only. This could include: proof you have enough money for your stay and to leave Australia, such as, bank statements of last 3 months, pay slips, audited accounts, tax records, term deposits and credit card statements.
9. A letter from your relative or friend in Australia, inviting you to visit. The letter could state: their relationship to you, the purpose of your visit and length of stay, if you will be staying with them. If this person will be paying for your stay, provide proof of their funds and your plans while in Australia.
10. Your reasons to return home at the end of your visit, such as: A letter from your employer stating you plan to return to your job, your study at a school, college or university in your home country, your immediate family members in your home country, you can return home or you own a house or other major assets in your home country.
11. If you are applying for this visa to receive medical treatment or donate an organ, provide a letter from your treating doctor in Australia outlining: your medical condition, treatment that will be required, an estimate of the timeframe and an estimate of the cost involved.