Subclass 858 Global Talent Visa Australia

This visa is for people who have an internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement.

Subclass 858 Visa Australia

Global Talent Visa 858

The Global Talent Pathway has replaced the distinguished talent visa 858, and is for people who have an internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement.

Visa Holders Work Rights in Australia

The visa holders have full work rights to work in the regional area of nominating state / territory of Australia.

Including Family Members to Visa Subclass 858

If you have spouse/partner and kids, they can also be included in your application.

EOI Global Talent

An applicant will need to lodge an expression of interest, and be invited, before an application for Global Talent Subclass 858 visa can be made.

Global Talent Visa for Masters and Honours Students

Global Talent visa program now prevents Masters and Honours students to lodge and EOI and receive an invitation to apply for the visa.

Subclass 858 Visa Fees

Department of Home Affairs Base Application Charge: A$4,840; Additional applicant charge for any other applicant who is at least 18: A$2,425; Additional applicant charge for any other applicant who is less than 18: A$1,210.

858 Visa Processing Time

Global Talent Stream: 25% of applications in 40 days, 50% of applications in 57 Days, 75% of applications in 61 days, 90% of applications in 3 Months. However individual 858 visa processing time may vary.

Global Talent Visa Australia Pathway Priority Sectors

858 Global Talent Visa Pathway Priority Sectors

The Subclass 858 Visa Global Talent pathway priority sectors are, Resources, Agri-food and AgTech, Energy, Health industries, Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space, Circular economy, Digitech, Infrastructure and tourism, Financial services and FinTech and Education.

Distinguished Talent Pathway

The Distinguished Talent pathway is for extremely talented applicants who have an internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievements working in other sectors for either a profession, sport, the arts, or academia and research. The Department of Home Affairs has appointed Engineers Australia as nomination authority for Engineers for Global Talent Program.

For Talent Visa 858 you must be internationally recognised with a record of achievement in:
- a profession
- a sport
- the arts
- academia and research

Your achievements must be exceptional and outstanding. This means you:
- are prominent in your field
- have superior abilities to others in your field
- are acclaimed as exceptional in any country where your field is practised
- have a record of sustained achievement unlikely to diminish in the near future

You must also participate in a field that:
- is recognised and accepted in Australia
- has international standing

You must be currently prominent in this field. Detailed document evidentiary requirements for 858 visa can be referred at 858 visa checklist.

Global Talent Visa 858 Eligibility

Be of benefit to the Australian Community

For 858 global talent visa requirements, Your contribution may be: economic, social, cultural, or to raise Australia's academic, artistic or sports standing international. You must contribute to the nation as a whole.

Has an Internationally Recognised Record of Exceptional and Outstanding Achievement

1. You must be internationally recognised with a record of achievement in: a profession, a sport, the arts or academia and research.
2. Your achievements must be exceptional and outstanding. This means you: are prominent in your field have superior abilities to others in your field, are acclaimed as exceptional in any country where your field is practiced or have a record of sustained achievement unlikely to diminish in the future.
3. You must also participate in a field that: is recognised and accepted in Australia and has international standing.
4. You must have been prominent in this field in the past 2 years.

Applicant has Provided Specialised Assistance to the Australian Government in Matters of Security

The Minister responsible for an intelligence or security agency within the meaning of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979; or the Director-General of Security; that the applicant has provided specialised assistance to the Australian Government in matters of security.

Endorsed by the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Global Business and Talent Attraction

Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Global Business and Talent Attraction means the SES employee, or acting SES employee, who occupies, or is acting in, the position of Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Global Business and Talent Attraction.

Have the Ability to Establish Yourself in Australia

You must be able to find work in your field in Australia, or become independently established in your field in Australia.You can't include income from work outside your field.

High Standard and an Exceptional track record of professional achievement

Candidates must show a high standard of professional achievement and an exceptional track record in their profession. This may include Senior roles, patents, professional awards, international publications and/or memberships of professioanl bodies.

Global Talent Visa 858 Policy

Global Talent Subclass 858 Policy

These are some of the relevant policies relevant to global talent subclass 858 visa application.

Subclass 858 Global Talent Visa Updates

Skilled Regional Policy

These are some of the news relevant to global talent subclass 858 visa.

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