864 Visa Checklist

Subclass 864 Visa Checklist for Australian permanent contributory aged parent visa.

Contributory Aged Parent Visa 864 Checklist

You will need to provide documents to support the claims you make in your application and show you meet the other eligibility criteria. You may refer to 864 visa checklist for given below.

Contributory Aged Parent Visa 864 Checklist

For all applicants to be included in the visa 864 application

  • Identity documents such as passport, birth certificate, proof of name change such as marriage or divorce certificate.
  • If you have ever changed your name then name change evidence.
  • Provide an overseas police certificate from every country, including your home country, where you spent a total of 12 months or more in the last 10 years since you turned 16, any military service records or discharge papers if you served in the armed forces of any country.
  • Passport size photographs.
  • Medical examinations.
  • If you applied for a different parent visa, for which a decision has not yet been made, then you must withdraw that application at the same time that you apply for this visa.
  • Your application must be sponsored (Form 40 Sponsorship for migration to Australia) by an eligible sponsor, unless you are applying as a retiree.
  • Evidence that you meet the balance of family test by how you are related to each child, evidence of each child's country of permanent residence and evidence that your child should not be included in the balance of family test (for example, their death certificate). You don't need to meet the balance of family test if you are applying as a retiree.
  • Provide an assurance of support when you are asked for it. You don't need to provide an assurance of support if you are applying as a retiree.

For Primary Applicant

  • For every dependant under 18 years old who is applying with you, provide identity documents; evidence of your relationship with them such as a birth or marriage certificate; and character documents, if applicable. If you are applying as a retiree you can't include your children, or your partner's children, in your application.
  • To be included in your visa application as a dependent child, your child must be; under 18 years, or over 18 years of age but not yet turned 23, and dependent on you or your partner, or over 23 years of age; and unable to earn a living to support themselves due to physical or cognitive limitations and dependent on you or your partner.

For Sponsoring Partner

  • 12. Complete Form 40 Sponsorship for migration to Australia and give the completed form and all other documents to the applicant to lodge with their visa application.
  • Proof that you are a settled Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen related to the main applicant.

Disclaimer: ‘Atlantis International Pty Ltd’ and its associates are independent consulting entities which are not associated in anyway with the Australian ‘Department of Home Affairs’ (DOHA). Information on this website does not constitute personal migration advice. For a customized migration advice based on your personal circumstances, please call and talk to one of our Immigration Consultants or register your interest with our Associates.

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