QLD 190 Visa (Queensland) Requirements and Process

Queensland 190 Visa requirements and occupations list.

Visa 190 QLD - Queensland

Queensland State Nomination for Visa 190 provides you with five additional points towards meeting the Department of Home Affairs skilled visa points test pass mark of 65 points.

Queensland 190 Visa

If you want to migrate to Queensland on a skilled migration visa, then you must first obtain a nomination from the state of Queensland. State migration is managed by the Queensland Government, through Migration Queensland, which is a business unit of Trade and Investment Queensland. State nominated subclass 190 visa allow you to live and work permanently in Queensland. You can apply under three main categories:

  • Graduates of a Queensland University
  • Skilled Workers Living in Queensland
  • Skilled Workers Living Offshore

If you are a current holder of a Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Subclass 491 visa, or have applied for a Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Subclass 491 visa, you will not be eligible for nomination for the Skilled Nominated (Permanent) Subclass 190 visa. This restriction also applies to the Skilled Regional (Provisional) Subclass 489 visa.

Graduates of a Queensland University

This pathway is for high performing graduates, who have graduated from a Queensland university in a PhD or Doctorate, Master’s Degree or Bachelor’s Degree; and are currently onshore in Queensland. Migration Queensland criteria requires Graduate applicants to:

  • Have a point test result of 80 or higher (for the 190 visa), inclusive of state nomination;
  • Provide evidence of employment with a Queensland employer registered in Australia in their nominated occupation (or a closely related occupation) (excludes PhD and Doctorate Graduates);
  • Meet the minimum English language requirement of PROFICIENT;
  • Meet the additional criteria for qualification level detailed below.

Invitations will go to the highest points per occupation (other requirements may be considered where there are a large number of EOI’s for certain points ie regional location, years of work experience etc). EOI’s will remain in our queue based on the points when they were originally lodged.

PhD and Doctorate Graduates 190 Nomination

Applicants must:

  • Be living onshore in Queensland
  • Have completed 100% of the PhD or Doctorate at a Queensland-based institution
  • Have had a decision on thesis and graduated in the last 2 years
  • Have an occupation on LIN 19/051
  • No job required

Masters 190 Nomination Criteria

Applicants must:

  • Be living onshore in Queensland
  • Have completed 100% of Master’s degree (by research or coursework) at a Queensland-based institution
  • Have graduated in the last two years
  • Have a Master’s Degree and skills assessment in a STEM field (fields listed below).

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Fields

Natural and physical sciences

  • Biological sciences
  • Chemical sciences
  • Earth sciences
  • Mathematical sciences
  • Natural and physical sciences
  • Other natural and physical sciences
  • Physics and astronomy

Information technology

  • Computer science
  • Information systems
  • Information technology
  • Other information technology

Engineering and related technologies

  • Aerospace engineering and technology
  • Civil engineering
  • Electrical and electronic engineering and technology
  • Engineering and related technologies
  • Geomatics engineering
  • Manufacturing engineering and technology
  • Maritime engineering and technology
  • Mechanical and industrial engineering and technology
  • Other engineering and related technologies
  • Process and resources engineering.

To determine whether your qualification is eligible, see the CRICOS website. Please go to ‘Course Search’ and enter your course name or CRICOS code. If your results show one of the above areas listed in the ‘Narrow Field’ you are eligible to be assessed under this pathway if you also meet all other required criteria.

Be employed full-time (35 hours per week minimum) in Queensland in the nominated or closely related STEM occupation (as per list above).

Skilled Workers Living in Queensland

You may undertake employment through:

  • Work for one or more employers,
  • Work at two part-time jobs, or
  • Work in your own business as an owner operator.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a Queensland nomination, you must meet both the Australian Department of Home Affairs criteria and Migration Queensland criteria for your chosen visa category.

Home Affairs criteria requires you to:

  • Have a points-test result of 65 or higher, inclusive of state nomination points;
  • Have a positive skills assessment in your nominated occupation;
  • Be under 45 years of age;
  • Meet the minimum English language requirement of competent, unless a higher level is required by your assessing authority; and
  • Submit additional documents, if invited to lodge an application for a 190 or 491 visa.

Migration Queensland criteria requires you to:

  • Have a points-test result of 80 or higher for the 190 (except for Trades occupations*, which require 75 or higher), and 65 or higher for the 491
  • Have an occupation on Home Affairs’ relevant list of eligible skilled occupations (LIN 19/051)
  • Have Proficient English or higher (except for Trades occupations*, which require Competent English).
  • If you are lodging an Expression of Interest for a 190 visa: Ensure that you can provide evidence that you have been living in Queensland and undertaking full-time post-qualification employment (minimum of 35 hours per week) over the past 6 months in your nominated occupation immediately prior to submitting your EOI.

If you are lodging an Expression of Interest for a 491 visa: Ensure that you can provide evidence that you have been living in regional Queensland and undertaking full-time post-qualification employment (minimum of 35 hours per week) over the past 3 months in your nominated occupation immediately prior to submitting your EOI.

Provide evidence of ongoing employment with a Queensland employer that is registered in Queensland for a further 12 months (minimum of 35 hours per week). For a 491 visa, this must be ongoing employment in a regional area.
Commit to living and working in Queensland for 2 years for a 190 visa and 3 years for the 491 from visa grant.

Businesses must have an office in Queensland. A virtual office will not be accepted (except for Trades occupations, which require 75 or higher). A trade occupation is defined as an ANZSCO occupation grouping beginning with 3

Caveats for Selected Occupations

Accountants (General)

  • Only applicants employed in an accounting firm will receive an invitation.
  • Must be a CPA, CA or IPA, or are studying towards becoming a CPA, CA or IPA.

Internal and External Auditors

  • Must have a job as an Auditor (not an Accountant).

Cooks and Chefs

  • No takeaway or fast-food businesses.

Migration Queensland has been inviting ‘decision ready applications’ who have registered through our recent ‘consideration for priority processing’ campaigns. A new registration campaign will open from Monday 3 April - Monday 10 April 2023, and you or your migration agent will be able to register your existing Skillselect EOI and details through our website.

Please note, only those that meet Queensland’s minimum criteria will be considered for invitation. Applicants who are invited must have their documents ready and uploaded within 7 days of being invited, and no extensions will be granted. Your patience is appreciated throughout this busy processing period, and processing times are currently at 4 – 6 weeks from the date of your invitation.

Labour Hire Employment

If you are employed through a labour hire company, make sure that they are registered in Queensland. All labour hire providers operating in Queensland must be licensed under the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2017, including those based interstate or overseas who supply workers in Queensland.

You will be required to provide evidence that your labour hire company complies with these registration requirements. Your Statement of service must be written by the company you have been placed within.

Skilled Workers Living Offshore

Subclass 190 Nomination Queensland Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for a Queensland nomination, you must meet both the Australian Department of Home Affairs criteria and Migration Queensland criteria for your chosen visa category. The Department of Home Affairs criteria requires you to:

  • Have a points-test result of 65 or higher, inclusive of state nomination points;
  • Have a positive skills assessment in your nominated occupation;
  • Be under 45 years of age;
  • Meet the minimum English language requirement of competent, unless a higher level is required by your assessing authority; and
  • Submit additional documents, if invited to lodge an application for a 190 or 491 visa.

Migration Queensland criteria requires you to:

  • Have a points-test result of 80 or higher for the 190 (unless another score is specified).
  • Have an occupation on the Offshore Queensland Skilled Occupation List (QSOL).
  • Have Proficient English or higher (unless specified otherwise).
  • Have a minimum of 3 years of post study work experience (except where otherwise specified). You must be employed in your nominated or closely related occupation immediately prior to submitting an EOI.

Migration Queensland has been inviting ‘decision ready applications’ who have registered through recent ‘consideration for priority processing’ campaigns. A new registration campaign will open from Monday 3 April - Monday 10 April 2023, and you will be able to register your existing Skillselect EOI.

Only those that meet Queensland’s minimum criteria will be considered for invitation. Applicants who are invited must submit their documents within 7 days of being invited, and no extensions will be available. Processing times are currently at 4 – 6 weeks from the date of your invitation.

Disclaimer: ‘Atlantis International Pty Ltd’ and its associates are independent consulting entities which are not associated in anyway with the Australian ‘Department of Home Affairs’ (DOHA). Information on this website does not constitute personal migration advice. For a customized migration advice based on your personal circumstances, please call and talk to one of our Immigration Consultants or register your interest with our Associates.

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