491 visa ACT (Canberra)

You can claim an extra 15 points towards meeting skilled migration points test, if you are successful in receiving 491 state nomination from Australian Capital Territory.

Subclass 491 Visa ACT State Nomination

State nomination from state of Australian Capital Territory for subclass 491 can help you claim an extra 15 points towards meeting skilled migration points test.

Subclass 491 ACT Nomination

The Skilled Regional Work 491 Visa is a five year provisional visa for skilled workers to live and work in regional Australia. If you are nominated by the ACT to apply for a subclass 491 visa, you must  live and work in Canberra for at least two years from visa grant, or if you are moving from overseas, then from the date of arrival in Canberra.

Subclass 491 Nomination Canberra Resident Applicant Eligibility

If you want to apply for ACT nomination for a Skilled Regional Work (Provisional) visa (subclass 491), you must meet certain criteria at the date you submit the Canberra matrix. These include the following:

Eligibility Criteria

You must meet one of the following:

  • Your nominated occupation is on the latest ACT Critical Skills List; or
  • You are the primary holder of a subclass 457/482 visa sponsored by an ACT employer: You worked in Canberra in the occupation nominated by the sponsoring ACT employer for the last three months as the holder of a 457/482 visa; and Your nominated occupation does not have to be on the ACT Critical Skills List.
  • You are the majority owner of an eligible registered business located in the ACT and you are claiming Matrix points in the Small Business Owner category; The following business types are not eligible: sub tenancy, ride-share, taxi, delivery, courier services or an on-sold business previously used to qualify for ACT nomination; and Your nominated occupation does not have to be on the ACT Critical Skills List.
  • Resident in Canberra: You lived in Canberra for the last three (3) months and continue until the date of invitation. Your bank statements / transaction history must record ACT banking activity from the date of your claimed arrival in Canberra up to the date of invitation. You may also live within commuting distance in NSW e.g., Queanbeyan, Bungendore etc.

Resident in Canberra

You lived in Canberra for the last three (3) months and continue until the date of invitation. Your bank statements / transaction history must record ACT banking activity from the date of your claimed arrival in Canberra up to the date of invitation. You may also live within commuting distance in NSW such as Queanbeyan, Bungendore etc.


You worked in Canberra for the last three (3) months, and as an employee:

  • You worked a minimum of 20 hours per week in each of the 13 weeks up to the date you submit the Matrix. Your payslips and bank statements / transaction history must record the income / salary payments (weekly, fortnightly or monthly) for the claimed period of employment.
  • Continuous employment - your employment in Canberra was continuous for the 13 weeks.
  • You worked in a genuine position in accordance with Australian terms and conditions of employment.
  • You were in paid employment. Internships, stipends, scholarships and volunteer positions are not eligible. Your employment does not have to be permanent.
  • Your weekly income was no less than the relevant award or market salary rate.
  • You can work for more than one employer and/or be self-employed:
  • Employer statutory declaration: Your employer MUST declare that you were employed in a genuine position in accordance with Australian legislation. If you were working for a large organisation, the statutory declaration may be signed by your manager or direct supervisor.
  • If you were working in Canberra for an interstate employer, there must be a genuine reason for why you are based in Canberra. You cannot be working online, or from a home office.

Self Employed and you are not claiming Matrix points as a Small Business Owner:

  • You can work for an employer and/or be self- employed.
  • Your total (taxable) income was at least $520 pw in each of the 13 weeks immediately before you submit the Matrix.
  • You have at least 12 months ACT business activity on your ABN.
  • You MUST sign a statutory declaration confirming your ABN, location of ACT business, start date of ACT business activity, duties and annual income.

Small Business Owner:

  • You are eligible to claim Canberra Matrix points in the Small Business Owner Category.
  • You MUST sign a statutory declaration confirming the details of your ACT Small Business activity.

English Language Requirement

  • You meet the Department of Home Affairs requirement for ‘proficient’ or ‘superior’ English unless your nominated occupation: is Chef 351311, has an ANZSCO skill level 3 to 5.


Your spouse or partner was resident in Canberra for the last three (3) months, or living overseas:

  • If you wish to claim Matrix points for a spouse / partner, you must have proof of the relationship.
  • If you wish to claim Matrix points in the spouse / partner employment category, they must meet the Department of Home Affairs requirement for ‘competent’ English; or hold an Australian passport.

Commit to living in Canberra

You must sign a declaration committing to living and working in Canberra while your visa is processed and for at least two years from date of visa grant.

Service Fee


Subclass 491 Nomination Overseas Applicant Eligibility

If you are living overseas and you want to apply for ACT nomination for a Skilled Regional Work 491 visa Australia, you must meet certain criteria at the date you submit the Canberra Matrix. These include the following.

Nominated Occupation

  • Your nominated occupation is on the latest ACT Critical Skills List.
  • You are working full time in your nominated occupation.

Relevant overseas work experience

  • You have at least three years full time, post graduate work experience in your nominated occupation. The work experience must be assessed as relevant by the assessing body (if the points advice service is provided by the assessing body).
  • Your skills and experience in the nominated occupation are relevant to the ACT economy.
  • You hold the relevant Australian registration or licensing if it is required for your nominated occupation.

ACT Employability

  • You have researched the ACT labour market and you are satisfied that you are employable in Canberra, and your skillset and experience are relevant to the ACT economy. Please note, you may not be eligible to apply for positions within the Australian Government due to citizenship / security clearance requirements.
  • You must attach an employment statement explaining the research undertaken and confirming that you are employable in Canberra.

English Language Requirements

  • You meet the Department of Home Affairs requirement for ‘proficient’ or ‘superior’ English; or you hold a valid passport issued by the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand or the Republic of Ireland.

Spouse / Partner

If you wish to claim Matrix points:

  • For a spouse / partner, you must have proof of the relationship; either a marriage certificate or civil partnership/union certificate. The ACT does not accept a claim for de facto.
  • In the spouse / partner employment category, your spouse / partner must meet the Department of Home Affairs requirement for ‘competent’ English; or hold an Australian passport.

Overseas Resident

You and any migrating dependents (except children enrolled at school in the ACT):

  • Are living overseas.
  • Have not lived in Australia for the last 12 months.
  • Do not hold a current Australian visa (or bridging visa), except an Australian visitor visa.

Commitment to Canberra

You have researched Canberra and the wonderful lifestyle we enjoy:

  • You must attach a commitment statement to the application, explaining why you want to live in Canberra and describing your future lifestyle. The statement must be written in your own words.
  • You must sign a declaration committing to living and working in Canberra for at least two years from the date of arrival in Australia.

Settlement Funds

  • You have access to sufficient money to fund your migration and settlement in Canberra.

Service Fee

  • A$300

Disclaimer: ‘Atlantis International Pty Ltd’ and its associates are independent consulting entities which are not associated in anyway with the Australian ‘Department of Home Affairs’ (DOHA). Information on this website does not constitute personal migration advice. For a customized migration advice based on your personal circumstances, please call and talk to one of our Immigration Consultants or register your interest with our Associates.

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